Pridružite se FxNetu!

Biste li željeli biti dijelom našeg tima i raditi u uzbudljivom, poticajnom i dinamičnom poslovnom okruženju? Biste li željeli raditi u kompaniji koja zapaža, cijeni i nagrađuje vaš doprinos? Ako ste odgovorili potvrdno, tada vas čekamo!

Mi, FxNet, dobro znamo da je za postizanje uspjeha potrebno okružiti se pravim ljudima. Zbog toga nam je od najveće važnosti zapošljavati prave osobe koje će našem društvu pomoći vinuti se u još veće visine. Cijenimo osobe koje se odlikuju marljivošću, poslu pristupaju krajnje etički i imaju volje za osobni rast. Mi sa svoje strane možemo ponuditi izvrsne uvjete rada i priliku za izgradnju trajne karijere koja se oslanja na jasno definirana pravila o napredovanju. Zahvaljujući našem shvaćanju da su različitosti i multikulturalnost ključ uspjeha, otvoreni smo za ljude koji dolaze iz drugačijih sredina i imaju svoje vlastite poglede. Dostavite svoj životopis i prijavu za radno mjesto na adresu e-pošte .[email protected].

Privacy Notice:

Why we need your data?

We only collect personal data about you in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and for the purposes of communicating with you when assessing your competence and capability for recruitment to our Company. We do not use any type of automatic profiling on any of this data held. For the purposes of recruitment activities, we will not collect any personal data from you that is not necessary in order to assess your candidature for a position with us.

Data Retention

Unsuccessful applicant’s data will be held within the recruitment system for a period of 2 (two) years (“Data Retention Period”), for any future recruitment purposes. At the end of the Data Retention Period, your data will be deleted and/or destroyed. Successful applicant’s personal data will be kept in our records in line with the internal retention policy of the Company.

What are your rights?

Your rights in respect to your personal data under the GDPR include the following:

  • Right to access.
  • The right to rectification.
  • Right to erasure (sometimes known as the right to be forgotten).
  • Right to restrict processing.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right to object.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us directly to have the matter investigated to the following email address: [email protected]

2012 - 2023 © All Rights Reserved FxNet Ltd